Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dessert Beer and Flood Baseball

Hello again. I couldn't stand having "That" article at the top of my site any longer. I have a reputation to uphold. In this piece I'll be writing my thoughts on two of the most unique and delicious beers I have ever tasted. The first is (No joke) Unibroue Trois Pistole, and the second is Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron.

Trois Pistole

Trois Pistole

Aroma: 3 It smells like champagne tastes. Sweet, fruity, with a small bite. I also detect woody herbs.

Appearance: 3 A pleasing licorice with a rice colored, laceless foam.

Taste: 5 It tastes reminiscently of several mildly sweet fruits, raisins mostly. Strong caramel and vanilla tastes as well.

Texture: 3 The foam thickens and becomes “Cloud-like”. The liquid flows smoothly and feels slightly bubbly.

Trois Pistole is an amazing substitute for a dessert wine. It will satisfy unlike any vintage you could possibly imagine in that capacity. Though don't get me wrong, it is a fine sweet fruity beer that can be enjoyed on it's own. Though don't be afraid to bring a bottle to a wine tasting and blow the roof off your friends snobby huge New Hampshire house.

Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron

Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron

Aroma: 3 It has a very strong woody aroma. The smell of whiskey comes to mind as well if you look for it. (Makes sense, as it has 12% ABV)

Taste: 4 This “Malt Beverage” has strong tones of dark wood like a fine brandy (Also makes sense, it was aged and brewed in a handmade 10,000 gallon wooden barrel.) and teases you with a slight flavor of cherry and vanilla.

Appearance: 4 This drink has an ichor color to it (Lovecraft definition, not classical) and no head.

Texture: 3 It has an inexplicable fluffy denseness and heft to it.

Dogfish head has outdone themselves with this brew, they traveled around the world to find the best wood and came up with the Palo Santo tree from Paraguay. They brought that wood home and created Americas largest wooden brewing vessel since before prohibition. This brown ale (Marron means “Brown”) is one of the boldest, most full bodied, and tastiest drinks I've ever had. (And at 12% alcohol I think you'll enjoy it more than three Coors Lights.)

Bonus Review !!!
I had the opportunity to try Coors Light from the Ballpark in Arlington overwatching the Texas Rangers while they beat the Oakland Athletics 7-2 after a rain delay.

Six dollars for a Coors Light!?!

Like hell I'm paying six dollars for a coors light.

Well, that's all I've got for today. As always you can follow me here or on Twitter. @KuromanKuro And if you like what you read then go ahead and Digg/follow me.

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