Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Crowdsourcing Commander

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while, but life caught up to me and took me for a ride. (Not all bad, a lot of good actually.) Anyway, I've thought up a new idea for an article. Let me know what you think.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The most accurate title for a beer.

Hello everyone, Sorry it's been a while since the last post. I'll explain later.

Remember my post detailing how Rangers Stadium could suck it? I got another chance to go back, but this time I was prepared.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dessert Beer and Flood Baseball

Hello again. I couldn't stand having "That" article at the top of my site any longer. I have a reputation to uphold. In this piece I'll be writing my thoughts on two of the most unique and delicious beers I have ever tasted. The first is (No joke) Unibroue Trois Pistole, and the second is Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron.

Friday, May 13, 2011

That "Accessible Beer" article

Hello everybody, I decided to be less pretentious today and review a more "accessible" group of beers. That's right, today I'm dropping my condescending tone, (For the most part.) and drinking brews you can find at all but the worst establishments.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Can Brown Do To You?

Hello again, I'm back again with another example of Commander deck building. This time I'm showing you my main Commander deck I use every week. “What Can Brown Do To You?” (Note to newer players: Artifact cards used to have brown frames similar to lands rather than the grey frame they have now.) This deck is less dependent on it's commander and less control oriented than my Endrek Sahr deck I've written about before and takes a turn toward the more combo centric route.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Man For All Saisons

Hello everybody, it's good to be back. Unfortunately I don't have any stories to tell this time. All I have to report on is a couple of great drinks I had at The Libertine Bar. Going into writing this post it didn't click that I had sampled two different beers based on Saison Yeast and was making an entry exclusive to them, but here we are.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Top New Phyrexia cards for Commander

Hello again. It's been a little longer than I would have liked between posts, but I have been pretty busy lately with finals going on and re-designing my site. No worries though, I'm here and I'm ready to talk about my favorite new cards from the hotly anticipated "New Phyrexia".

Thursday, April 28, 2011

White Scotsman

I had the privilege on Saturday the 23rd of April to be present at the filming of a music video for the fine local band Ishi. They're a rock outfit, complete with absurdities such as top hats, rhinestone eyebrows, and glitter. The affair took place at the more understated Scot half of the English/Scottish pub "Crown and Harp". I walked in wanting to try a White Russian for the first time, though the bartender told me they had run out of cream and one of the band members had made off with their last bottle of Kahlua.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Baseline

Good (Insert general time of day here) reader! I'm glad you came here to get your fill on (Choose one or more: Objective beer opinions / Various Magic the gathering subjects). This post shall serve several purposes. The first of which is to introduce you to my writing style. (Hopefully you can tolerate my dwelling in the parentheses.) This article shall also establish the grading system and basis for all my reviews, but more on that later. If you find my style a little much for you, I recommend you read the work of the esteemed writer and creator of the MtG format "Commander", Sheldon Menery here. (Though he chooses to drink wine if that has any bearing on your choice.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

And in the beginning...

So this is the beginning. A new era. Probably the first time in my life I've cared to write down details of my existence... No skin off my back to tell the truth. I suppose you may be wondering why we're here? I'm here because I've had a few good brews and my friends are into tequila so they dont want to hear anymore about Rahr Winter Warmer or how bad coors light is. You're probably here because you accidentally hit "I'm feeling lucky" searching for "magic home brew". Speaking of which. I'm also going to be talking about magic the gathering. (I'm sorry in advance for all the puns.) I currently love playing commander format, and all the while i'm going through the motions with standard. (for the archives, this is shortly after gp Dallas with the 32/32 Jaces and preordains top 8) Anyway, I'm going to be talking about my passions. Beer and Magic! Decklists and drinks to follow...

Well, that's all I've got for today. As always you can follow me here or on Twitter. @KuromanKuro And if you like what you read then go ahead and Digg/follow me.